Sunday, September 19, 2010


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fort san felipe del morro

El Morro history began in 1538 by the spanish.the fort took about 50 years before it was fully functional. it was named after the king phillip ll of spain.the puerto rico desigh is a little different from similar fortifications found in the caribbean . the oldest fort in the new world to protect 140 ft walls natural rock look beautiful great spot for vacation . castillo de san cristobal also know for puerto rico . . .in 1508 juan ponce de leon founded the original settlement caparra now know as puelbo viejo years later the settlement was abandoned and moved to the site of what is now called old viejo san juan puerto rico. . . . . . . . . history that date 500 years stone structure truly a beautiful place to honor and visit for its beauty .located on san juan bay ,the six story fort was originally constructed in 1538 although it exterior walls not erected for another 200 years . inside the fort there are veritable labyrinth of chambers,barracks hallway,and prison cells.

Puerto rico has real famous song call en mi viejo san juan every puertorican know this song is by noel estrada song is in spanish it goes like this . . . ..

en mi viejo san juan

cuantos suenos forje

en mis anos de infancia

mi primera ilusion y mis cuitas de amor

son recuerdar del alma

una tarde me fui hacia estrana nacion

pues lo quiso el destino pero mi

corazon se quedo frente al mar

en mi viejo san juan

adios adios adios

boriquen querida

adios adios adios

mi perla de mar mi niena del

par mas me voy ya me voy pero

una dia volvere

abuscar mi querer a sonar otra vez en mi viejo san juan

pero el tiempo paso y el destino troncho mi terrible

nostalgia y no puerde volver al sanjuan que yo ame

pedacito de patria mi cabello blanqued ya mi vida se va ya la muerte me llama

y no quiero morir alejado de ti puerto rico del mi alma

love puerto rico island is full of life and amazing food and affordable ,there are so many place to go and so much history .

Welcome to Castillo de San Felipe del Morro Declared a World Heritage elite by the United Nations in 1933. El Morro is Puerto Rico's best known fortress. Spanish troops fortified this 'morro'. which means 'promontory', to keep seaborne enemies out of San Juan. Today this dramatic castle welcomes multitudes of arriving cruise ships and aircraft to the bussiest port in the Caribbean. Over two million visitors a year explore theme windswept ramparts and pageways, where the history of 400 years of Spain in Puerto Rico comes alive.

History at a Glance
1519 - Spanish settlers from Caparra found San Juan.

1539 - Construction of the first harbor defenses at El Morro and La Fortaleza authorized by King Carlos V.

1587 - Engineers Juan de Tejada and Juan Bautista Antonelli lay out the main design for El Morro still seen today.

1589 - Governor Diego Menendez begins new construction at El Morro.

1595 - Sir Francis Drake attacks El Morro unsuccessfully by sea. Gunners from El Morro shoot a cannonball through the cabin of Drake's flagship.

1598 - George Clifford, Duke of Cumberland, attacks from the land side, the only time El Morro was taken in battle. English forces move into the fortress, but are so weakened by dysentery that the invasion force withdraws after only six weeks.

1625 - The Dutch under the command of Boudewijn Hendricksz attack and take San Juan from the land side. El Morro holds but the city is sacked and burned.

1630 - Governor Enrique Enriquez: de Sotomayor begins construction of the city walls. Work continues until 1678 to encircle the city completely.

1765 - Field Marshall Alejandro O'Reilly and Royal Engineer Tomis O'Daly reform the defenses of San Juan by reorganizing the garrison and making the city a 'Defense of the
First Order".

1843 - First lighthouse in Puerto Rico constructed atop El Morro.

1898 - US Navy warships shell El Morro during a day long bombardment 12 May 1898, damaging the tip of the main battery. Six months later, Puerto Rico becomes US territory by terms of the Treaty of Paris which ends the Spanish -American War.

1908 - Present lighthouse seen atop El Morro built by US Navy.

1942 - Still an active military post when World War 11 breaks out, concrete artillery observation posts and an underground bunker are added to El Morro.

1949 - San Juan National Historic Site is established.

1961 - The US Army moves out of the forts of Old San Juan, and they become the jurisdiction of the US National Park Service, to be preserved solely as museums.

1983 - San Juan National Historic Site declared a World Heritage Site by the
United Nations.

1992 - El Morro's grounds are returned to their historic 18th century appearance as part of Quincentennial restoration when modern roadways and parking lots are removed

hot spot in puerto rico

cool place to go in puerto rico

la casita

paseo de princesa

massive city wall

la fortaleza

la puerta de san juan

el morro

san cristobal fort

teatro topia



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